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17.01.2025 13:01

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Język angielski

Cele nauki języka angielskiego

  1. Rozwijanie umiejętności komunikacyjnych w języku angielskim - nauka podstawowych zwrotów, słownictwa i fraz, które umożliwiają dzieciom wprowadzanie prostych dialogów, wyrażanie emocji oraz przedstawianie siebie i innych.
  2. Rozwijanie słownictwa tematycznego - wprowadzenie i utrwalenie słownictwa związanego z różnymi tematami (kolory, liczby, zwierzęta, pogoda, rodzina itp.), co pozwala na rozszerzenie zakresu słów i wyrażeń, które dzieci rozumieją i potrafią używać w odpowiednich kontekstach.
  3. Wspieranie rozwoju umiejętności słuchania i rozumienia - poprzez piosenki, historyjki i zabawy ruchowe, dzieci rozwijają umiejętność rozumienia języka angielskiego w różnych kontekstach, co ułatwia im naukę nowych słów i fraz w sposób naturalny i przyjemny.
  4. Zachęcanie do aktywnego uczestnictwa w nauce języka - poprzez gry, zabawy, piosenki i aktywności ruchowe, dzieci są motywowane do angażowania się w proces nauki języka angielskiego, co sprzyja ich pewności siebie w mówieniu oraz pozytywnemu nastawieniu do nauki języków obcych.

Przykładowy rozkład materiału z języka angielskiego:



Tematyka (3-4 latki)/ (5-6 latki)

Słownictwo (3-4 latki)

Proponowane Piosenki (3-4 latki)

Słownictwo (5-6 latki)

Proponowane Piosenki (5-6 latki)



hello, goodbye, my name is...

"Hello Song" (Super Simple Songs), "Goodbye Song" (Super Simple Songs), "Hello Hello" (The Kiboomers)

hello, goodbye, my name is..., good morning, good afternoon

"Hello Song" (Super Simple Songs), "Goodbye Song" (Super Simple Songs), "Walking, Walking" (Super Simple Songs)


blue, red, yellow, green, white, black, brown, purple, orange

"I See Something Blue" (Super Simple Songs), "The Color Song" (The Singing Walrus), "Color Train" (The Kiboomers)

blue, red, yellow, green, white, black, brown, purple, orange

"I See Something Blue" (Super Simple Songs), "The Color Song" (The Singing Walrus), "Color Train" (The Kiboomers)



one, two, three, four, five

"Five Little Monkeys" (Super Simple Songs), "One, Two, Three, Four, Five" (The Kiboomers), "Number Song 1-20" (Super Simple Songs)

one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten

"Ten in the Bed" (Super Simple Songs), "How Many Fingers?" (Super Simple Songs), "Numbers Song" (The Kiboomers)

School Supplies



pen, pencil, school bag, crayons, notebook, book

"School Supplies Song" (The Singing Walrus), "This is My Pencil" (Super Simple Songs)



acorns, leaves, cones, hedgehog, squirrel

"All The Leaves Are Falling Down" (The Kiboomers), "Autumn Leaves Are Falling Down" (The Singing Walrus)

acorns, leaves, cones, hedgehog, squirrel

"All The Leaves Are Falling Down" (The Kiboomers), "Autumn Leaves Are Falling Down" (The Singing Walrus)


sunny, windy, rainy, snowing, stormy

"What's the Weather Like Today?" (Super Simple Songs), "Rain, Rain, Go Away" (Super Simple Songs), "How's The Weather?" (The Kiboomers)

sunny, windy, rainy, snowing, stormy, cloud

"What’s the Weather Like Today?" (Super Simple Songs), "How’s the Weather?" (The Kiboomers)


umbrella, scarf, sunglasses, coat, clouds

"Rain, Rain, Go Away" (The Kiboomers), "Put on Your Shoes" (Super Simple Songs), "Boots, Scarf, Hat and Gloves" (The Singing Walrus)

umbrella, scarf, sunglasses, coat, wellingtons

"Put On Your Shoes" (Super Simple Songs), "Rain, Rain, Go Away" (The Singing Walrus)



Powtórzenie poznanych słów z poprzednich zajęć

"Autumn Leaves Are Falling Down" (The Kiboomers), "If You're Happy and You Know It" (Super Simple Songs)

bread, milk, water, orange juice, chicken, fish

"Do You Like Broccoli Ice Cream?" (Super Simple Songs), "Food Song" (The Kiboomers)



bike, train, plane, bus, boat

"The Wheels on the Bus" (Super Simple Songs), "Let’s Go on a Journey" (Super Simple Songs), "Row Row Row Your Boat" (The Kiboomers)

bike, train, plane, bus, boat, ship

"The Wheels on the Bus" (Super Simple Songs), "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" (The Singing Walrus)


happy, sad, scared, angry

"If You’re Happy and You Know It" (Super Simple Songs), "Feelings Song" (The Kiboomers)

happy, sad, scared, angry

"If You’re Happy and You Know It" (Super Simple Songs), "Feelings Song" (The Kiboomers)

Body Parts

head, nose, eyes, ears

"Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes" (Super Simple Songs), "My Teddy Bear" (Super Simple Songs), "One Little Finger" (Super Simple Songs)

head, nose, eyes, arms, shoulders, fingers, legs, ears, toes

"Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes" (Super Simple Songs), "One Little Finger" (Super Simple Songs)


Powtórzenie słownictwa z poprzednich zajęć

"Open Shut Them" (Super Simple Songs), "If You're Happy and You Know It" (Super Simple Songs)

Powtórzenie słownictwa z poprzednich zajęć




mummy, daddy, grandma, grandpa, sister, brother, baby

"Finger Family" (Super Simple Songs), "My Family" (The Kiboomers), "Baby Shark" (Super Simple Songs)

mummy, daddy, grandma, grandpa, sister, brother, baby

"Finger Family" (Super Simple Songs), "Family Song" (The Kiboomers)


doll, ball, train, plane, teddy bear

"Where's My Toy?" (The Singing Walrus), "The Toys Song" (Super Simple Songs), "Toy Chest" (The Kiboomers)

doll, ball, train, plane, teddy bear

"Where’s My Toy?" (The Singing Walrus), "Toy Song" (Super Simple Songs)


Christmas tree, angel, star, Santa Claus

"We Wish You a Merry Christmas" (Super Simple Songs), "Jingle Bells" (The Kiboomers), "Deck the Halls" (Super Simple Songs)

Christmas tree, angel, star, Santa Claus

"We Wish You a Merry Christmas" (Super Simple Songs), "Jingle Bells" (The Kiboomers)


Powtórzenie słownictwa związanego z Bożym Narodzeniem

"We Wish You a Merry Christmas" (Super Simple Songs), "Jingle Bells" (The Kiboomers), "Deck the Halls" (Super Simple Songs)

Kolędy: "I Wish You a Merry Christmas"

"We Wish You a Merry Christmas" (Super Simple Songs), "Jingle Bells" (The Kiboomers)



snowman, snowball, snowflake, sledge, ski

"I’m a Little Snowman" (Super Simple Songs), "Snowflake, Snowflake" (The Kiboomers), "Five Little Snowmen" (Super Simple Songs)

snowman, snowball, snowflake, sledge, ski

"I’m a Little Snowman" (Super Simple Songs), "Snowflake







Snowman Parts

nose, hat, eyes, scarf

"I’m a Little Snowman" (Super Simple Songs), "The Snowman Song" (The Singing Walrus), "Frosty the Snowman" (The Kiboomers)

nose, hat, eyes, scarf

"I’m a Little Snowman" (Super Simple Songs), "The Snowman Song" (The Singing Walrus), "Frosty the Snowman" (The Kiboomers)

Winter Clothes

hat, scarf, jumper, coat, boots

"Put on Your Shoes" (Super Simple Songs), "Winter Clothes Song" (The Singing Walrus), "Put on Your Boots" (The Kiboomers)

hat, scarf, jumper, coat, boots

"Put on Your Shoes" (Super Simple Songs), "Winter Clothes Song" (The Singing Walrus)


Powtórzenie słownictwa związanego z zimą

"I’m a Little Snowman" (Super Simple Songs), "The Snowman Song" (The Singing Walrus), "Frosty the Snowman" (The Kiboomers)

Powtórzenie słownictwa związanego z zimą



Animals/ Opposites

cat, dog, cow, pig, horse, duck

"Walking in the Jungle" (Super Simple Songs), "Let’s Go to the Zoo" (Super Simple Songs), "Animal Sounds Song" (The Kiboomers)

big-small, fast-slow

"Rolly Polly" (Super Simple Songs), "Open Shut Them" (Super Simple Songs)

Animals and Body Parts

tail, paws, wings, ears

"The Animal Boogie" (Super Simple Songs), "Do You Like Broccoli Ice Cream?" (Super Simple Songs), "The Animal Dance Song" (The Kiboomers)

tail, paws, wings, ears

"Walking in the Jungle" (Super Simple Songs), "Let’s Go to the Zoo" (Super Simple Songs)

My House/ House and Furniture

living room, dining room, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom

"The House Song" (Super Simple Songs), "Where Is My Room?" (The Singing Walrus), "In My House" (The Kiboomers)

living room, dining room, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, wardrobe, bed, table, chair

"Wind the Bobbin Up" (Super Simple Songs), "The House Song" (Super Simple Songs)

Revision/ Fun and Games

Powtórzenie słownictwa związanego z domem

"The House Song" (Super Simple Songs), "Where Is My Room?" (The Singing Walrus), "In My House" (The Kiboomers)

Powtórzenie słownictwa związanego z domem



Farm Animals

cow, pig, chicken, duck, horse, sheep

"Old McDonald Had a Farm" (Super Simple Songs), "The Animals on the Farm" (The Singing Walrus), "Who Took the Cookie?" (Super Simple Songs)

cow, pig, chicken, duck, horse, sheep

"Old McDonald Had a Farm" (Super Simple Songs), "The Animals on the Farm" (The Singing Walrus), "Who Took the Cookie?" (Super Simple Songs)

Spring Vocabulary/ Songs about Animals

grass, sun, bird, flowers, wind, umbrella

"Rainbow Song" (Super Simple Songs), "Spring Song" (The Kiboomers), "The Spring Time Song" (The Singing Walrus)

dog, cat, elephant, monkey, tiger


Revision/ Spring Vocabulary

Powtórzenie słownictwa związanego z wiosną

"Rainbow Song" (Super Simple Songs), "Spring Song" (The Kiboomers), "The Spring Time Song" (The Singing Walrus)

grass, sun, bird, flowers, wind, umbrella




walk, wash, climb, swim, hop, roll

"We All Fall Down" (Super Simple Songs), "This Is The Way" (Super Simple Songs), "Can You Do It?" (The Kiboomers)

walk, wash, climb, swim, hop, roll

"Around a Circle" (The Singing Walrus), "We All Fall Down" (Super Simple Songs)




policeman, nurse, firefighter, farmer, doctor, waiter, teacher



football, basketball, bike, swimming, running

"Around a Circle" (The Singing Walrus), "The Sports Song" (The Kiboomers), "Sport Fun" (Super Simple Songs)

football, basketball, bike, swimming, running

"We All Fall Down" (Super Simple Songs), "The Sports Song" (The Kiboomers)


Powtórzenie słownictwa związanego z czynnościami, zawodami i sportami

"The Sports Song" (The Kiboomers), "What Do You Want to Be?" (The Singing Walrus), "Sport Fun" (Super Simple Songs)

Fun and Games

Powtórzenie słownictwa związanego z czynnościami, zawodami i sportami


Insects and Nature

fly, bee, butterfly, ladybird, flowers

"Bugs Song" (The Singing Walrus), "Butterfly, Butterfly" (Super Simple Songs), "The Insects Song" (The Kiboomers)

fly, bee, butterfly, dragonfly, ladybird, flowers



mummy, daddy, sister, brother, grandma, grandpa, baby

"Finger Family" (Super Simple Songs), "Baby Shark" (Super Simple Songs), "My Family" (The Kiboomers)

mummy, daddy, sister, brother, grandma, grandpa, baby

"Finger Family" (Super Simple Songs), "Baby Shark" (Super Simple Songs)

Mother's Day

flowers, kiss, hug, gift, heart

"Skidamarink" (Super Simple Songs), "I Love My Mommy" (Super Simple Songs), "Mommy Song" (The Singing Walrus)

flowers, kiss, hug, gift, heart

"Skidamarink" (Super Simple Songs), "I Love My Mommy" (Super Simple Songs), "Mommy Song" (The Singing Walrus)

Picnic Time

apple, cheese sandwich, water, biscuits, orange juice

"The Picnic Song" (Super Simple Songs), "Picnic Time" (The Kiboomers), "Apples and Bananas" (The Kiboomers)

apple, cheese sandwich, water, biscuits, orange juice

"The Picnic Song" (Super Simple Songs), "Picnic Time" (The Kiboomers), "Apples and Bananas" (The Kiboomers)


Summer Clothes

hat, sunglasses, shorts, skirt, T-shirt, sandals

"Put on Your Shoes" (Super Simple Songs), "Summer Clothes Song" (The Singing Walrus), "Getting Dressed" (The Kiboomers)

hat, sunglasses, shorts, skirt, T-shirt, sandals

"Put on Your Shoes" (Super Simple Songs), "Summer Clothes Song" (The Singing Walrus), "Getting Dressed" (The Kiboomers)

Father's Day/ Activities

daddy, hug, gift

"Skidamarink" (Super Simple Songs), "My Daddy Is" (The Kiboomers), "Dad's Song" (The Singing Walrus)

swimming, playing, riding a bike, reading



beach, swimming, sun, waves

"A Sailor Went to Sea" (Super Simple Songs), "Going on a Holiday" (The Kiboomers), "Summer Holiday Song" (The Singing Walrus)

beach, swimming, sun, waves

"A Sailor Went to Sea" (Super Simple Songs), "Going on a Holiday" (The Kiboomers), "Summer Holiday Song" (The Singing Walrus)



Powtórzenie całorocznego materiału

Powtórzenie ulubionych piosenek z całego roku: "Skidamarink" (Super Simple Songs), "The Wheels on the Bus" (Super Simple Songs), "Five Little Monkeys" (Super Simple Songs)

Powtórzenie całorocznego materiału

Powtórzenie ulubionych piosenek z całego roku: "Skidamarink" (Super Simple Songs), "The Wheels on the Bus" (Super Simple Songs), "Five Little Monkeys" (Super Simple Songs)


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